Long ago, when the PRISM began to drizzle shards of colored, pixelated life into the black nothingness, the bonded fragments merged like a magnet collecting metal shavings until an entire world was created. You would think with a name like the BLOOM, the first forms of life to sprout here would be saplings, a blade of grass, or maybe even a flower. No. Out of the fertile angular earth grew giants.
The heavens dripped pixels onto the world to produce jagged stalagmites that stood tall and still, piercing the passing clouds.
One of the original Unilim who had ushered in the first era of the BLOOM laid on their backs with folded arms to perish with dignity in their old age.
The heavens dripped pixels onto the world to produce jagged stalagmites that stood tall and still, piercing the passing clouds.
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+01 123 45 678
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+01 123 45 678
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