A clash divided fate and free will.
The divide was bridged by TWO Gods.
Their bridge birthed a new universe.


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A clash divided fate and free will.
The divide was bridged by TWO Gods.
Their bridge birthed a new universe.

Legend has it

that existence began with a CLASH. Some say it was destined to be, others believe it was a conflict willed out of pure conviction. Only the heavens know for certain. In time, the universe birthed by the TWO CREATORS could no longer withstand the weight of their disharmony. It threatened to swallow everything, including the TWO, so they had to compromise. Their reluctant truce took the form of a new universe we call FATED.

Before the FATED universe, existence was primitive. Life within the realms of LIGHT and DARK wrestled for control of a single reality. There was no space for shaded nuance, no way to separate extremes. The TWO had learned from failure and shaped their new cosmos with range and room for reality to unfold. To refine their creation, the almighty TWO pulled apart the LIGHT and DARK realms to introduce a middle ground between them known as the VEIL. The now-three realms were split into six planes to create a full spectrum of color and of life. The DIM and the GLOW were sparked from the realm of LIGHT. The WILT and the BLOOM were lifted from the VEIL, and the ABSENCE and NASCENCE emerged from the realm of DARK. These symbiotic planes of existence serve as steps in an endless staircase of life, death, and rebirth. The FATED universe is a revolution of the soul (and a circle of color) bound by decision and destiny. 

But a sacrifice had to be made to sustain such a cycle. The TWO fueled their new universe with the dying souls of its failed predecessor inside a power source known as the BLAZE. This godly forge blends soul fragments together, burning brightly to create all new life in our universe. The wild chaos of the BLAZE was contained by a supernatural PRISM that filtered and spread the energy throughout (the universe) existence. The sacred union between the BLAZE and the PRISM stretches across everything and hangs upon nothing as a celestial balance of paradox. 

The PRISM serves as the manifestation of the TWO's compromise.  It is a symmetrical force of nature that distills the chaos of the BLAZE, acting as both the glue that binds and the design that transforms the FATED universe. Energy ricochets through facets of the PRISM to (lighten)highlight and darken the six planes of existence with varying degrees of color and shadow. The facets alter how energy reaches the planes so the planes themselves and the souls therein are very different from their counterparts elsewhere. The diverse spectrum of life and color can only be (experienced)seen when the time comes to reach the BRIDGES that allow passage between the planes.

There are six BRIDGES that tether the planes together. Crossing a BRIDGE comes at a cost few are ready or willing to pay. They rest between the planes in the EVER YAWN, an afterworld ungoverned by time where things are not quite living yet not truly dead. The otherwise invisible PRISM can only be seen from the EVER YAWN, slowly shifting and spinning in the atmosphere. To this day, rumors of a seventh BRIDGE persist, but its whereabouts remain unknown. What is certain is that you will be judged in death by the bridge keepers of the EVER YAWN. 

Although the TWO’s creation was not intended to be undone, the cycle can be circumvented. A rare phenomenon known as a STITCH occurs when pieces of separate planes of existence briefly bleed into one another. They say STITCHES are caused by an ancient entity with enough raw power to tear the fabric of reality itself. Stepping through a STITCH changes you and the consequences can be devastating. Trust me, I would know.

I am Nawakawan the Wanderer. This is my journal. Follow my steps through the FATED universe as we trailblaze new paths to wander.

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